We all have them - and as pointed out in Daniel Pink's book The Power of Regret - we can use them as fuel to improve. No one is Perfect.
There was a World Regret Survey where they solicited feedback from aged people from all over the world - 70+ - on looking back on their lives - what they regretted the most.
Though the answers we far ranging - they all basically fell into 4 categories:
Moral - Didn't do the Right thing.
Relational - Didn't reach out to repair a relationship.
Boldness - Didn't take a chance.
And the 4th - the largest category of Regret for people at the end of their lives (and the entire reason I am writing this post) was:
Foundational - Didn't do the work.
Didn't put in the Time or Effort necessary to grow and expand the full potential of their lives.
Ouch. A Hard reality to face at the end of our time on earth.
Took it easy, coasted, and created their greatest Regret.
Success (or Failure) is never immediate - it is the culmination of all these days, months, and years that can lull us into a false sense of security that the daily Effort doesn't Matter.
Everything Matters - ESPECIALLY the Effort.